Friday, January 15, 2010

Price Hike control - Healthy Diet and Nutrition - Welfare for All

One must be wondering how can price hike can not only be curbed but can be put to best use to start off healthy life style and thriving equality and welfare for poor and rich, all of them.

This is practically possible. 
* Why do prices of  Tur Dal is so high? This  is because of high demand in urban areas, especially in North. Medically we should eat all the dals (pulses) - Urad, mung, massoor and all other kind of pulses which are regional and seasonal. This is ideally good for health. Also the average price of pulses in an individual's kitty will go down significantly. It also has to do with crop growing by farmers and Government giving support price for selective crops. Government should encourage farmers to grow bio-diversified crops which are naturally growing in that land. 

* Similarly instead  of only eating rice and wheat , people should eat all kind of seasonal grains - jowar, bajra, nachani etc which are natural crops in the region. This makes the average price of food down. This makes the food highly nutritious including all required micro nutrients, vitamins, food suppliments. 

* Also when food prices come down, poor who can eat only few category of cheap food articles can buy and eat variety of other food articles, so his basket of food will rise.

*  The Rich will not die out of having all heavy foods - heavy grains, pulses and will not only survive more but remain healthy.

* Fruits and vegetables  also should be grown  and eaten- regional and seasonal -  with average price coming down by all. You can see in vegetable market - many healthy fruits and vegetables are still relatively cheap - spinach, all kind of regional and seasonal leafy vegetables, lauki  (Ramdev baba  favorite), pumpkins, vegetables which grow inside ground, cabbage, in fruits - orange, mausambi, bananas , regional and seasonal berries, guava, awala - most of these  are most rich in  ingredients. 

Summarise Thumb Rules :
1> Eat natural , seasonal, regional vegetables, fruits, pulses, grains, spices. (transportation and preservation cost is less)

2>  All kind of diversified pulses, all kind of diversified grains, all kind of diversified fruits and vegetables - which are regional and seasonal - should be eaten. Abstain buying only 20-30 % of costly fruits and vegetables like apples, peas, tindli etc.

3> Average price will come down and overall nutrition will go up.
4> Market supply will be adjusting to demand. Rich can eat healthy food. Poor can eat all kind of fruit. Rich can eat lighter food. Poor can eat heavier food. Both are saved and both prosper.

5> Government should reform support price mechanism and encourage farmers to grow regional, seasonal ,naturally fit for the land, diversified food articles.

6> Shift from globalization to localization in agriculture.
 7> of course most talked about debates like stopping commodity exchanges, improve quality and yield of agricultural output by organic farming,  removing black marketing, unfair trade practices etc are also to be discussed at length.

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